Dear colleagues, customers & friends,


This year has been one of the most educational years I can recall. Collectively, the world experienced perpetual unknown of what tomorrow would bring — more than the usual unknown. We didn’t know what we would be able to do or where we’d be able to go, and all along, the flow of information and misinformation came at us with unparalleled speed and depth, relentlessly. 

For us at Spinaca, trying to plan, or attempting to execute a plan, became a humbling lesson in trying to control that which is out of control. Answering questions from vendors, employees, customers, kids and spouses was a lesson in patience. The words “I don’t know” became a familiar refrain.

This year was a lesson in fortitude and grit, qualities deep inside all of us, summoned less in good times and needing to be reignited from time to time. It was a lesson in the value of our health, and how quickly that can be taken from us. We also learned lessons of hope and optimism as many people continued to look ahead and see potential for the future.

Most of all, this year taught us the lesson on how vital kind human interaction is to the health and wellness of our families, friends, and colleagues. To you, we wish eternal optimism, health and kindness, fortitude and grit to meet and exceed your plans for 2021, and the humility and patience it takes to achieve them.

With gratitude,
Zack Andrade
President, Spinaca Farms

Zack Andrade